About Us

Our About Us Page

Giving you a little idea about what who we are and why we do it. So if you are wondering what Eezie Cleaning is all about, then read on.

Paul founder and main writer of ezzie cleaning
Ryan carpet cleaning for eezie cleaning
Jackie - writer at eezie cleaning
Chris - writer for eezie cleaning

My name is Paul. I am the main writer and founder of Eezie Cleaning.

I wanted to create a website that shares all of the cleaning processes (and short cuts) that I have been using over the years.

Having been in the cleaning sector for nearly thirty years, I have cleaned in almost every environment you can imagen. From the little two hour office cleaning job during the evening, industrial and retail cleaning. To managing an area which contained over twenty five shops and more than a hundred staff.

About eleven years ago I start my own cleaning business. This focused purely on end of tenancy cleaning. I developed a formula for cleaning properties. Making sure they ready for the next tenants. More importantly, satisfying the letting agents or landlords that the properties had been cleaned to a professional standard. This enabled the tenants to get their deposits back.

And it still does. The business is going strong and I still do regular cleaning myself. So many of the cleaning articles you can read here. Contain cleaning processes that I still use everyday.

Cleaning is a bit of a passion of mine (I know, I am one of the weird ones). Just the thought of cleaning can put some people of. But cleaning does not have to be a slog.

When cleaning a property for and end of tenancy clean. I have a set routine that I follow. I always tell people to “let the chemicals do the work”. The worst part of any hose clean is the oven and toilets. So the first this I do is put those into soak. Then concentrate on the easy stuff. Once the chemical have worked their magic, I then crack on with those.

As I said at the beginning. This is just a little insight about us. If you want to know more just drop me a line via the contact page.

Meet The Eezie Cleaning Team

Paul founder and main writer of ezzie cleaning

Paul – Founder and main writer at Eezie Cleaning. With a wealth of experience in the cleaning industry he has just about seen it all. From working that little cleaning job to overseeing major commercial cleaning contracts.

Ryan carpet cleaning for eezie cleaning

Ryan – Our resident carpet and upholstery cleaning expert. Ryan has spent over 10 years working in residential homes. Helping people restore their carpets and furniture. He also has a wealth of experience within the commercial environment.

Jackie - writer at eezie cleaning

Jackie – Spending over a decade as a property manager for letting agents, Jackie knows exactly what it takes to make a property shine. Especially when it comes to moving in or out.

Chris - writer for eezie cleaning

Chris – It is the practical experience that sets Chris apart. He is the one that uses, tries and indeed discovers the methods, tips and hacks people have. And he is always on the look out for more.